Game Title Alex’s Journey Learning Topic/Concept & Learning Objective (minimum of 1) I will be focusing the learning topic on Erikson’s 8 stages of development. Along the storyline, each stage will represent a year. At the start of each stage, Alex will face a choice to make. Based upon their decision, will determine the direction of their next path, and the ending of the story. Learning Objective: Predict at each stage, what the outcome will be for Alex and his homeland from your choices. At the end of the game, the students will analyze how their choices along Alex’s journey impacted his development (align to Erikson’s 8 stages of development). Students will be able to describe Erikson’s 8 stages of development and provide examples of it in the real world. Intended audience for this game will be high school students. Twine Prototype URL (on or another web hosting site) — see below for the specific requirements you need to use in Twine https:/...